Friday, January 4, 2013

The chirpy, mysterious cookie

Hello pretty cookies ,

It's my first ever blog post and yes, I am excited, like.. a lot. 

Okay, first things first; about my blog, well my blog does not specify what it is exactly, that is because I don't want to specify it. Think of 'chirpy days' as a salad of fruits. Yes, fruits, lots of it, but not only one kind. Likewise this blog would be of feminine stuff , occasional masculine stuff as well *gasp*, but mostly feminine stuff like lifestyle, make up, product reviews, cooking experiences and what not.

Now on to the cookie, yes, that's me. I am a 22 year old college student, who loves to read, write, paint, bake cakes, eat chocolate and to make-up myself and every one I see. I basically talk too much and think too much and am passionately curious about everything around me. Also, I'm a major homebody, if I can have a hot tea besides me and read a book while laying on the bed, I'd choose that over any party, even my own birthday party. Oh and I am big animal lover, especially Dogs. I am one of those people who'd cry a river over a death of a doggie but not of a man. I've got the most adorable, yellow Lab who is almost 4 years old. Yes yes, I hear you, enough blabbering about me right?

The initial reason I wanted to start a blog was cosmetic product reviews. Yes, cosmetic products. You might be wondering, why? I'll tell you why, I usually read reviews of products before I buy something cosmetic. But some products I want to buy are from local market (I'm from Sri Lanka) and there were no reviews of them. I felt very frustrated indeed, the only blog I managed to find and read about our local products was 'Pink Clouds'. So I thought why not I also start one and help girls like me (who are local and searching around reviews about local products) but after giving the idea a lot of thought I wanted to create a feminine lifestyle blog. A blog which is aimed to make life more prettier. So I assure you this blog will not be only about products and such, it will be of many things feminine and life.

Have a Chirpy Day!

Love, Miss ThiN.

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